MAK polo shirts worn by the elegant girls of the “Suzanne Lenglen” team new provincial champions stand out.
Shining period for Circolo Tennis Spezia and its teams. In fact, the “Suzanne Lenglen” team of Coppa Italia Tpra won the final 3-0 against the Ct Follo team and, after qualifying for the regional championships with one day in advance, became provincial women’s champions there. For the record these are the results…Corbani-Giani 4-0/4-1, Pietrelli-Spalatra 4-3/4-1, Mori and Ribolla-Peri and Spalatra 3-4/4-0/10-8. Anyway, the two teams will face each other again at the Regional Masters scheduled in Loano on Saturday, May 20 and Sunday, May 21 to come. The Under 16 women’s team formed by Valentina Scalari and Sophia Vittori, for its part, meanwhile, won at home 2-1 against Lunimare.
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