“In winter with style”
The company “MAK S.P.A.”, with registered office in Carpenedolo (BS), Via C. Colombo 14, tax code 03086150178 and VAT number 01840560989, R.E.A. BS-322300, in order to increase the sales of its products, intends to launch the prize operation called MAK 2/22 “In winter with style”, as follows:
DURATION: The prize operation will take place from 01 October 2022 to 30 November 2022.
TERRITORIAL AREA: domestic Italian and European territory (Finland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Switzerland, France, Denmark, Austria, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Romania, Spain, Hungary, Croatia)
RECIPIENTS: Final consumers
PROMOTED PRODUCTS: Purchase of 4 Mak alloy wheels starting from 18 inches (18 ” – 19 ” – 20 ” – 21 ” – 22 ” – 23 ”)
METHOD OF CONDUCT: In the period covered by the promotion, indicated in the “Duration” section, all final consumers who purchase the goods indicated in the “Promotional products” section will receive a free gadget at the same time of the purchase.
PRIZE MONEY: It is expected that during the promotion n. 4.999 Sbs Silk True Wireless Earphones will be distributed for a total prize money of € 67.486,50 (excluding VAT), subject to balance at the end of the event. The forecast of distribution of the prizes derives
from the sales of the same promotional products recorded in the same period last year increased by the effect attributed to this promotion
COMMUNICATION: The content of the event will be communicated using the following means: POP material that will be displayed at participating points of sale and on-line advertising banners. However, the company reserves the right to use any other means of communication that appears suitable for bringing the contents of the prize operation to the attention of the recipients of the same.
CHANGES TO THE REGULATION: Mak S.p.A. reserves the right to change the content of these Regulations at any time, taking care that the changes made do not affect the rights acquired by the promissory, as required by art. 10, paragraph 4, Presidential Decree 430/2001. In the event that it is necessary to amend these Regulations, the Recipients will be notified of the amendments in the same manner or with forms equivalent to those with which they became aware of the original promise.
PUBLICATION OF THE REGULATION: The self-certified Regulation with substitutive declaration of notary deed is filed with the company Mak S.p.A. based in Via C. Colombo 14, Carpenedolo (BS) P.I. 01840560989. The complete Regulations are available on makwheels.it Participation in this prize event implies the unconditional and total acceptance of the clauses contained in these Regulations for the participant. The prizes cannot be substituted or converted into cash or other goods or services, nor are consumers given any right to request, with or without the addition of sums of money, the possibility of receiving different prizes. In case of exhaustion of the above prizes, Mak S.p.A. reserves the right to replace the prizes with other goods having similar characteristics and of equivalent or greater value. The promotion cannot be combined with other prize operations and / or initiatives promoted by Mak S.p.A.
PRIVACY: The personal data released by the Participants will be used for the activities related to the carrying out of the Promotion announced by the Promoter. For complete information on data processing and the exercise of rights in the matter, as indicated in art. 15 of the European Regulation on the protection of individuals with regard to personal data (EU) 2016/679, the makwheels.it website can be consulted in the Legal Notes section.